Business Diversity



At Denny’s, a business qualifies as a diverse or disadvantaged business when it is a for profit enterprise located in the United States or its trust territories and operates as an independent business entity which is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by U.S. Citizens who are members of one or more of the following groups:
African American, Hispanic, Asian Pacific Islander, Native American, Subcontinent Asian Indian (MBE)
Caucasian Female or Women (WBE)
Disabled individuals (DBE)
Veteran/Service-Disabled Veterans (VBE/DVBE)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ)

Child feeding mother at a table.


If you are interested in exploring business opportunities with Denny’s, click on the link below. You may also update your current profile through this registration link. Once you have registered you will receive an electronic notification to verify receipt of your submission. Completing the registration process does not guarantee business opportunities. However, it is our policy to give consideration to diverse and disadvantaged businesses having the capabilities to meet our company’s needs.

Close up shot of food


If you are a current supplier partner with Denny's please use the link below to submit your Tier 2 reporting.

Female server picking up food from the kitchen